Law & Order
I'm honored to be endorsed by El Paso County Sheriff Joe Roybal. Colorado is experiencing record-high crime and drug overdoses. What's been the solution? Soft-on-crime policies by Democrats who want bail reform, abolition of the police, "safe" injection sites, softer penalties for narcotic use & distribution, and a resistance by the far-left to virtually any new criminal laws. When a bill was introduced in 2023 to make it a felony to sexually expose yourself to a child, more than HALF of House Democrats voted against it!
Colorado's Sanctuary State Status is unacceptable, and in my opinion, unconstitutional. House Republicans have been fighting to repeal the sanctuary status, but we're outnumbered, and Democrats killed a recent House bill that would have repealed that status. We have to continue to pressure our county commissioners, city councils, sheriffs, mayors, and others to not let our communities turn into what Denver has become thanks to radical Democrat policies. This single issue will financially destroy our state and create a wave of crime like we're currently seeing in New York City and other places if we don't put a stop to it immediately.
The tactics employed by Democrats only incentivize criminals and emboldens them. Safety & security is the fundamental pillar of a free and functioning society. We need to get back to putting the needs of citizens above the wants of criminals. As a member of the Air Force JAG Corps, I worked tirelessly to hold criminals accountable and get victims the outcomes they deserved. I will continue to do so as your representative.
Parents and students deserve to be able to attend the school of their choice. Funding should follow students, not be tied to the building they happen to live closest to. Giving kids a greater opportunity for success by not punishing them due to their current circumstances only helps our children, not hurt them. Any special interest group who says otherwise is likely only looking out for their own agenda, not the child's best interest.
Colorado should also pass a Parent's Right in Education bill. The government does not own your children, and our tax dollars are what fund schools in the first place. You should have a legal right to access any curriculum your child is being taught. Period.
As a School District 20 charter school board member, I've always advocated that parents are the decision makers of their child's life, and the school is just a facilitator meant to assist parents in their learning endeavor.
Fiscal Responsibility
Government spending is absolutely out-of-control. Just four years ago, in 2019, our state budget was 30 BILLION dollars. In 2023, it's now 39 BILLION dollars and is only expected to rise going forward. The Governor's proposed 2024 budget is 42.7 BILLION dollars. At a time when the government is bringing in record-high tax revenue, do they suggest that they return more to citizens or slash taxes and fees? No!
The only question they ask is, "What new programs can we create to spend more?" They figure out how they can find new ways to create new departments and programs that are often billed as "temporary" but will be forever extended. Yet, we still have issues funding our schools, crime is at crisis levels, and our roads are terrible. It's not a revenue problem. It's a prioritization problem.
Taxes, Fees, & Regulations
I'm endorsed by the Colorado Chamber of Commerce because of my strong stance against the avalanche of taxes, fees, and regulations. Coloradans are struggling. What's the Democrat solution? Take more money from us every chance they get. New gas fees, bag fees, retail delivery fees, green energy building codes, and even chicken egg regulations have done nothing but drive up our daily costs and put more money into the pockets of Big Government to decide how to redistribute it. What's more, the legislature passes many of these new costs as "fees," so they don't have to have the voters' approval of these new increases. The government is bringing in record tax revenue, but it's not enough according to them because they can always find some new enterprise to start funding. Enough is enough.
The contempt for our Taxpayer's Bill of Rights at the state level is not a secret. Requiring YOU - the voter - to approve new tax and spending plans is a serious detriment to Big Government's agenda. That's why they hate it so much. And when the voters say, "No, you've taken enough," what is their solution? They call a special session, pass almost the same bill anyways, and then add several other measures to take away even more of our TABOR refunds.
They use our TABOR refunds like a slush fund. The money you are owed through TABOR is YOURS. You paid into it and are owed it back. It's not for the government to redistribute and choose winners and losers. I will always push back on any attacks on TABOR and will not be quiet about it as your representative.
Second Amendment
I'm proud to be endorsed by the Colorado State Shooting Association (CSSA), the NRA's state chapter. The Second Amendment is the right that protects all others. For that reason, it's my opinion that it's the most important right we have and is the reason we've remained the freest nation to ever exist. It's what ensures we're citizens, not subjects. It's a belief I've held my entire life. I will never stray away from that belief.
Unfortunately, it is constantly under attack by the state legislature. Even though we have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation (i.e. magazine capacity bans, universal background checks, licensing carry requirements, safe storage laws, etc.) that's not enough according to those under the Gold Dome. I was there in the legislature during the 2023 session, which was arguably the single biggest attack ever on our gun rights. Although we had a few wins, there's no doubt this attack is only just the beginning. We can't get complacent.
I Pro-Life
I am Pro-Life, period. A baby in the womb is a life with potential, not a potential life. Colorado Democrats unfortunately have a different opinion. I was working in the legislature in 2022 when the Democrats passed the most extreme abortion bill in the ENTIRE nation. I was also there in 2023 fighting against the expansion of that bill and the attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers who help expecting mothers. They won't stop attacking Life, and we mustn't stop defending it. “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." - Psalms 139
Here are links to issues I've taken public stances on long before considering running for office.
Gazette guest column, March 29, 2021: Banning 'Assault Weapons' will not stop mass shootings
Gazette guest column, May 5, 2021: Forced vaccination and the naturally immune
Gazette guest column, September 24, 2021: The 'return to normalcy' that wasn't
Gazette guest column, March 8, 2022: Understanding a no-fly zone in Ukraine